Free School Meals

Last Updated: 21.06.20
FSM Vouchers for over the Summer Holidays
Following the recent Government announcement that children eligible for Free School Meals will be able to access FSM vouchers over the summer holidays, school will be making arrangements for these to be sent to all eligible families from the week beginning 27th July 2020 for the duration of the summer term.  More details will follow prior to the summer break.  Until then, school will continue to provide the offer of daily food packages from our school kitchen (see information below).
From the week beginning 8th June, our school kitchen will reopen.  From this date, any child who is eligible for Free School Meals will have access to a daily meal from our kitchens.  These can be collected from school between 12-1pm via the main office.  These will usually be in the form of a daily packed lunch, which includes a sandwich with either cheese, meat or tuna as a filling.
Please contact the school office to make arrangements for a time to collect, as well as letting us know which sandwich filling your child would prefer.  If you require alternative arrangements, please contact the school office on
Thank you  
General Information About Free School Meals - All Families
Information For Those Families Already Eligible For Free School Meals
Also see School PING and individual emails for further communications - thank you.
Information About Health & Nutrition