

 Our School Mission:


Our school exists to serve the immediate and wider community of Winwick by:

  • Providing a high quality of education grounded firmly in the principles of the Christian Faith and by providing high standards of teaching, and thereby learning experiences, for all children, ensuring equality of access to all subjects of the National Curriculum.
  • Teaching and educating its pupils in an environment of Christian care and concern for others and for all that God has created.
  • Setting high but realistic standards of discipline to which all pupils are expected to adhere.
  • Setting for itself clear targets for continuous development and improvement, which ensures that all pupils will benefit from high standards of teaching and learning.
  • Providing a lively and stimulating learning environment which enables children to access good quality resources for learning, inspires them to want to learn and encourages them to value the opportunities provided for them.
  • Establishing a caring, secure environment in which all pupils, and all adults connected with the school, feel a genuine sense of worth from the contribution that they make to the school.
  • Promoting in children a sense of care for themselves, their families, friends and schoolmates and for their immediate and wider community and environment.
  • Maintaining and further promoting a worthwhile and productive partnership with parents.
  • Maintaining and further developing the positive place that the school has as an integral part of the community.
  • Creating a sense of worth or ‘feel good’ factor in the school, so that each individual develops confidence in themselves, in their teachers and adult helpers, in what they do and learn and about their school.  
Our Vision Tree

Understanding Our Theologically-Rooted Christian Vision


Our theologically-rooted Christian vision was developed with input from our wider school community (children, staff, parents, church), where we explored Winwick Church of England Primary School’s context and purpose to ensure that our Christian vision reflected the community that we serve, along with how we wanted to enable all members of our community to flourish. In doing this revisioning exercise, our current vision was born and since 2017, we have continued to refine and shape this to ensure we are meeting the needs of our community, underpinned by the teachings of Jesus Christ.  The vision’s over-arching purpose sits within the breadth of God’s love, as it is through this that all things are possible, being rooted in 1 Corinthians 16:14, ‘Do everything in love’. 



In our core Christian values, we want to celebrate what we do well, whilst also providing that opportunity to explore those areas that we needed to develop further, taking into consideration the Church of England’s vision for education and the notion that ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10) also means experiencing the wider scope of life and the successes and challenges that brings.  Our three driver values of Love, Respect and Perseverance are reflective of this; as a school ‘love’ and ‘respect’ are things that we celebrate and embrace well, whilst we acknowledge that our school community needed to strengthen the value of ‘perseverance’. 



From this, our vision of ‘In God’s Love, aspire and achieve to be the best’ was born.  With our core Christian values, being underpinned by a wider scope of Christian values, and the integral thread of doing everything through God’s love, means that we are constantly striving to aspire and achieve to be the best that we can be for ourselves, each other, our local and wider community, as well as for our global community.  Through the inspiration of Jesus Christ and God’s love, we are assured that we can achieve and persevere through our challenges, as we know that God is there to support us on each step of our journey. 



The image of a tree was chosen to represent the desire for all to grow and flourish, aspiring and achieving to be the best that they can be through building on our deep Christian roots that give us strength, growing and flourishing towards the best outcomes that we aspire to for ourselves and our whole school community.


Our Core Christian Values

Our vision statement and core values are underpinned by 1Corinthians16:14 which states, 'Do everything in love.'


Love – with the love of God and the love of one another.

Love is the foundation of all values and as such will be taught through everything we do. We will encourage all our children to love God, themselves, love one another and love the world they are a part of. We will teach our children that God will always love them and be there for them in the good times as well as the difficult times in their lives.


Respect – to respect all things and the world we live in.

The nature of God, as revealed in the Bible, presents all people with a choice. Those whose response is one of respect are acknowledging God’s greatness, authority and involvement in the world. This extends to respect for the created order, including humanity made in the image of God.


We will encourage all our children to respect themselves, each other, their school, their community and the wider world which God has made. We will give children the opportunities to be social champions to ensure our world is a place where we respect our differences no matter what faith, culture or race, what sexual orientation we may be, whether we have a disability or what gender we are. We are all born equal in God’s eyes.


Perseverance – to keep going and support each other in all things.

Jesus frequently encouraged his disciples to ‘endue patiently’ the difficulties and obstacles they encountered and to persevere in the face of adversity. He trusted God even when his enemies tried to stop his work and plotted his death.


We will encourage our children to persevere in all they do; if work is challenging they are to keep trying and never give up. We will ensure our children challenge themselves to achieve in all aspects of their learning. We will encourage and support them to believe that if there needs to be a change in this world; they are to persevere and recognise that one voice can begin to make a difference.




Our School Rules/Values

These six rules summarise the moral values expected of all children. 


Our vision for education is deeply Christian, with Jesus' promise of 'life in all its fullness' at its heart.

In line with the Church of England's role as the established Church, our vision is for the common good of the whole.


Educating for wisdom, knowledge and skills: enabling discipline, confidence and delight in seeking wisdom and knowledge, and developing talents in all areas of life.


Educating for hope and aspiration: enabling healing, repair and renewal, coping wisely when things go wrong, opening horizons and guiding people into ways of fulfilling them.


Educating for community and living well together: a core focus on relationships, participation in communities and the qualities of character that enable people to flourish together.


Educating for dignity and respect: the basic principle of respect for the value and preciousness of each person, treating each person as a unique individual of inherent worth.


To find out more about Church Schools, click on the link below.





The Vision of the Diocesan Board of Education for the schools in its care is that:

Affirming Diocesan priorities for working with children and young people and the General Synod’s resolution that Church schools ‘stand at the centre of the Church’s mission to the nation’, the Diocese of Liverpool seeks to ensure that, through its Church schools and academies it offers children and young people a high quality education including the experience of belonging to a Christian community and a knowledge of God.

To find out more and read about their Strategic aims please click on the link below.