Home-School Communication

At Winwick CE Primary School, we believe that it is crucial to work together as a team to support all our children. Through this joint working, our children thrive and know that they are supported by home and school together. 
As a Christian school, we expect all those linked to our school; staff, Governors, parents and children to live out the Christian and school values inside and outside of school. This is why we ask parents and children to all sign the agreement when they join our Winwick family. 
As a school, we use School PING as our main tool to communicate key information out to parents/carers.  Our weekly newsletter is sent out via PING, along with other letters, information about your child's class and your individual child too.  Parents' Evening appointments are also bookable by PING. 
Once your child has joined Winwick, you will receive information from our school office linked to setting up your own PING account.  School PING can be accessed online, the best way to do this is via the PING app that can be downloaded onto your phone.  
If you need any more information about School PING, please contact our School Office Team.
In addition to this, we also have an Open Door Policy, where staff will happily arrange to meet with you at a mutually convenient time to discuss your child.  If you would like to make an appointment with your child's class teacher, or a member of the Senior Leadership Team, please contact the school office who will be more than happy to arrange an appointment for you; staff are happy to meet with you in-person or arrange for a phone call.
Email:  winwick_primary@sch.warrington.gov.uk
Telephone: 01925 630995