Statutory Ofsted Information


School Name & address




Winwick C of E Primary School,

Myddleton Lane,









Mrs Hayley O'Brien (School Business Manager)

Tel: 01925-630995




Mrs Laura Duckett

 Deputy Headteacher :

 Mr Stuart Nicholls

 Assistant Headteacher:  Mr Nathan Henaghen 
SENDCo: Mrs Kelly Mather

Pupil Premium :

Pupil Premium

Sports Premium :

Sports Premium

Curriculum :

Curriculum Folder

Phonics & Reading Schemes :

Phonics at Winwick CE Primary School

Reading at Winwick CE Primary School

Remote Learning :

 Remote Learning

Admission arrangements :


Applying for a place at Winwick CE Primary School:

Admission arrangements


Equalities Statement :

 Equalities Statement

Accessibility Plan :

 Accessibility Plan

Charging Policy :

Charging & Remissions Policy

Behaviour Policy :

Behaviour and Rewards Policy

Complaints Procedure :

Complaints Procedure

Financial Transparency :

Financial Transparency

SEN and Disability

Disabled Access 

Click here for the SEN and Inclusion Policy

Click here for details of the Local Authority Local Offer

Click here for details of Early Help Offer

For further information on SEND or Inclusion please contact the main school office and ask to speak to our school SENDCo, Mrs Kelly Mather. Contact details can be found at the top of this page.

OFSTED & SIAMS Reports and Performance Data

OFSTED Report 2018 and 2021

SIAMS Report 2016

School Performance

Link to Compare School Performance

School Mission Statement

School Mission Statement, Values & Ethos

Term Dates :

CLICK HERE for Term Dates

Times of school day, lessons and Assemblies

School Prospectus - Currently being updated, will be added once completed.

Our School Day

Safeguarding Policy

Child Protection (Safeguarding) Policy

Safeguarding Information:

School's Designated Safeguarding Leads 

DSL:  Laura Duckett 

Deputy DSL:  Nathan Henaghen

School’s Safeguarding Team 

  • Laura Duckett (DSL & Child Protection)
  • Nathan Henaghen (Deputy DSL & Behaviour & Welfare)
  • Kelly Mather (SENDCo & Early Help Champion)
  • Elin Rees (Attendance)
  • Jackie Neal (Lead Safeguarding Governor) & Chris Mumford (Safeguarding Governor)
  • Jill Mills (Mental Health & Wellbeing Lead)
