
In our school, the daily Act of Collective Worship is an important part of the school day, when the whole school joins together for a period of prayer and reflection. Children are given the opportunity to plan and deliver some parts of the collective worship (see Worship Teams page). Although our emphasis is on Christianity, we learn about, and from, other world religions too. 

Our collective worship sessions are also sometimes linked to our PSHE themes. We stress the similarities between religions and the importance of accepting and respecting other’s differences.





Whole school worship led by a member of Senior Leadership Team


Whole school worship led by teachers on a rotation - worship can be based on: current events (e.g. linked to Picture News), religious celebration/calendar events, links with other world faiths, links with charity work, links with school values/events. 


Whole school praise worship led by staff on a rotation; this links to a reading from the Bible and can also link to a current theme or event in the yearly plan. 



First half term: Picture News - worship based on a current news topic with links to a Bible Reading Class worship led by class teacher using Picture News stimulus. 

Second half term: Class Worships. From Yr3 –Yr6. the worship team will lead on the Bible story and follow up tasks from Tuesday. In Rec-Y2, the worship team will set up and follow the worship tasks for their particular age and stage. 


Celebration collective worship led by a member of the Senior Leadership Team



We also open up Worship to parents and the wider community. Each class invites parents to join in the worship which their child is leading across an academic year. We also share in a community worship each Thursday in which parents are also invited (this is currently not happening due to our Church being without a Vicar). As a school we also participate in numerous Christian and community services in St Oswald's across the Christian Calendar. 

Worship Teams
Each half term, new children are selected to be part of the Class Worship Team. This rotates so that all children get to take on this role and responsibility throughout the year. As a member of the Class Worship Team, children have the opportunity to be awarded a Rainbow Certificate for their contrinbution towards worships. In order to obtain their certificate children must fulfill the different responsibilities for their year group. Below is a document showing each Year Group's Class Worship Team expectations in order to achieve the rainbow certificate during that academic year.