
Trust is the basis of all stable relationships, including our relationship with God. It is rooted in trust, and will grow through consistent experiences of reliability and integrity. God's commitment to humanity is seen in his willingness o trust ordinary people with the carrying out of his purpose.
Reflecting on this value:
  • How do we show others in practical ways what it means to have trust in others?
  • How can we demonstrate sensitively the repercussions when trust is broken?
  • Which role models can we use to show different kinds of trust that work in school, our community and the wider world? 
Bible Stories
Stories of Abraham - Genesis 11-15
The Burning Bush - Exodus 2-4
God's Agreement - Exodus 34
Elijah and the Prophet - 1Kings 17
A soldier's faith - Luke 7
Fiction Books
Can't you sleep little bear - M Waddell & B Firth 
The Goodbye Boat - Mary Joslin
Goodnight Mr Tom - Michelle Magorian
Anne Frank's Diary - numerous ediitions
Poems about Love 'I will never forget my people' - Roger McGough
Half term worships in school
Week 1 Having Trust in others 
The Boy who cried wolf fable used as a stimulus 
Reflection - think about the people that trust you.
KS1 follow up - link it to Road Safety and walking along the side of a busy road. How do you know these children trust each other? Think about friends they trust. Make a note in their class reflection book.  
KS2 follow up - pupils keep a reflective diary entry and choose one person they trust and give three reasons why they trust them. Use their reflection class book to record this. 
Music - Trust in You, Lauren Daigle 
Week 2 Showing we are trustworthy
The story of Gideon 
Reflection - what tasks are you trusted with?
KS1 follow up - what roles we have in our classroom or school that shows we are trusted. Jot these down in you class reflection books.
KS2 follow up - As above but also what happens when we let someone down who has trusted us? Jot down your thoughts in the class reflection books. 
Music - Be Bold, Be Brave 
Week 3 Trusting that God can use us for good
We will focus on the trust that Mary had for Jesus at different points in her life.
Reflection -remember how God can use anyone of us to do amazing things for him. 
KS1 follow up - show different pictures of Mary - can they see any similarities in their pictures? Stick the pictures in your reflection book and annotate around them.
KS2 follow up - why is Mary so important to the Catholic faith? Stick a collection of pictures into your reflection book and write down your notes from your research.   
Music - The Lord's my Shepherd 
WEEK 4 Trusting God when life is stormy
The Storm on the Lake 
Reflection - pupils think about when things in their life don't go to plan. Link it to recent Covid Pandemic and how they have trusted in others and God even when things have been difficult. 
KS1 follow up - use the picture form SEAL resources of a girl looking sad and being comforted by a grown up. Add this picture to the reflection book and annotate with answers to what might have happened to the child? what might the grown up be saying? Who do you go to when you are upset? Make the point that God is called a loving parent in the Bible. 
KS2 follow up - what helps you get through difficult times. Use the picture of an anchor and annotate thoughts around it for what helps them cope. 
Music - My Lighthouse 
Week 5 Trusting the Future to God 
Bereavement. loss and moving on
Reflection - In the Bible Jesus tells us there is a special place waiting for those who come to the end of their lives here on Earth. Try to imagine what this place might be like.
KS1 follow up - Read The Goodbye Boat by Mary Joslin and explore the feelings children have when someone dies and how life can continue after death. 
KS2 follow up - Children to draw or write what they imagine heaven to be like. Look at pictures as stimulus. 
Music - Greater, Mercy Me
Week 6 Trusting in God in times of change
Main focus is about moving up Year groups or moving onto High School
Reflection - knowing they can trust in God when life changes and things move on
Year 6 to share their prayers written for their Leavers Service 
KS1 follow up - Children write down ideas of things they are looking forward to about moving to their next year group 
KS2 follow up - Same as above but for Year 6 develop this further for High School. 
Music - One more step along the world I go
Week 7 - Whole school to watch the Year 6 Leavers Service via video link