

Week 1: Persevering with the Truth 

Learn about people from the past and present who have been willing to speak out against what they considered to be wrong. Create a fact file focusing on that person and their life. You could also create a dramatic poster that focuses on something that is currently causing concern in the world. 

Reflection/Prayer: Sometimes it is hard to speak up when we know things aren't right. When this happens we can ask God to help us know the right words to use and to give us the courage to say them. 


Week 2: Persevering to Finish the Job

Play a team game which requires all the team members to join in and persevere to make a 'winning team'. 

Reflection/Prayer: Dear God, Please help us to persevere even when tasks seem long and hard. Help us to encourage our friends to keep going when they feel fed up. Amen


Week 3: Persevering to the End

Write, or say, a prayer for others who are sick who they could support with prayers. 

Make a get well card for someone who is unwell.

Reflection/Prayer: Dear God, We thank you for people who inspire us by their courage, perseverance and concern for others. Particularly in our prayers this week we remember anyone who is ill or in pain. Give them the courage and comfort when they struggle to keep going. Amen


Week 4: God's Persevering Love

Listen to the song 'Amazing Grace'. What is the songwriter trying to express?

Write a 'Lost and Found' story. 

Reflection/Prayer: Father God, We thank you that just like the shepherd cared for every one o this sheep so you care for every one of us.


Week 5: Perseverance and Self-belief 

Listen, or read, some other Aesop Fables. What is the meaning behind them? How might they help us in our lives? 

Reflection/Prayer: Dear God, Give us the self-belief to persevere when the task is hard and the odds are against us. Amen 

Stories from the Bible which show this Value. 

  • Noah's Boat: Genesis 6-9 
  • Abraham and Sarah: Genesis 11
  • The Joyful Return: Ezra 1-6, Psalm 126
  • The Paralysed Man; Matthew 9
  • The Story of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin and the Lost Son: Luke 15


Stories from other Religions which show this Value

Hindu Stories;    The God and the Wicked Witch: Rama rescues Sita

Jewish Stories; The Escape from Egypt

Islamic Stories; Musa follows a Wise Man

Sikh Stories; The Story of Guru Ram Das 


Fictional Stories which also show the Value of Perseverance

'Lost and Found' Oliver Jeffers

'Russell and the Lost Treasure' Rob Scotton

'The smallest whale' E Beresford

'Out of the Ashes' Michael Morpurgo