Early Help

Early Help Offer at Winwick CE Primary School
Early Help refers to the offer of any information, advice or support to children, young people and their families as soon as possible in their lives, or when issues emerge, to help prevent problems from escalating and to provide support where it is needed.

Listed below are some of the services that our school can offer you:-

  • Mrs Duckett, or other members of the SLT, are usually available to talk to parents/carers each morning to discuss any concerns you may have regarding behaviour, learning or any other support you require. Alternatively, you can book an appointment via the school office.
  • School are available to provide support to complete forms and other paperwork such as high school admissions.
  • Class teachers are available to meet with parents/carers to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your child’s behaviour or learning - appointments can be made by contacting the school office. If further support is required, a key member of our Leadership Team will be allocated as your point of contact, either Mr Nicholls, Mr Henaghan or Mrs Mather (SENDCo). 
  • Mrs Duckett is also available if additional support is required; again appointments can be made via the school office.
  • Referrals may be made to outside agencies such as: the Family Outreach Team, parenting courses, our School Health Advisor, St Joseph’s Family Centre, CAMHS, Play/Art Therapy and local children’s centres.
  • Common Assessment Framework (CAF) which involves listening to you to find out what help you need and talking about what is working well in your life. Based on what you say and what help you would like, a plan is put together so that professionals can work together to make sure you get the right sort of help.
  • At Winwick CE Primary School, our Safeguarding Team meet each half term to identify any children and families who would benefit from early help. It allows them to access services in the school and beyond to support identified vulnerable pupils.
Early Help Offer in Warrington

In Warrington we know that children, young people and their families have different types of needs and sometimes they may require extra support. One way this extra support can be provided is through an Early Help Assessment, via a MARS referral.

An Early Help Assessment can be completed by any professional, from any service, who is working with a child, young person or family. The Early Help Support Team's role is to provide information, guidance and support to these professionals, we don't work directly with children or families. 

An Early Help Assessment is completed in partnership with your family and also a range of different organisations such as the council, schools, health services, etc, in order to create a package of support that meets the needs of the whole family.  The assessment means everyone can make sure the support is working and making a difference.

An Early Help Review/Closure Plan ensures the correct level of support is provided for an individual/family at the right time, and it can be regularly reviewed to make sure the plan continues to meet the needs of the family, and prevents any issues getting worse. 

Find out more about Early Help, and local services and organisations who can support your family: www.mylifewarrington.co.uk/earlyhelp


How do I contact Warrington early help?
If you need any advice or support about childcare and early years contact the council's Information and Childcare Team on CHI-EEFTeam@warrington.gov.uk.


NHS Mental Health Support
Please use the link below to find out about the mental health support that Warrington NHS can offer:

Cost of Living Support & Housing

There are lots of organisations and schemes that can help you manage through the current cost of living crisis. Some of these are local to Warrington and there are also national schemes available to you.

Follow the link below to see how Warrington Borough Council have split their list of help into different categories, depending on your specific situation. These include support with housing, food, finances, bills and childcare.

As always, should you ever find yourself in a position where you require extra support, please contact a member of our Leadership Team: Mrs Duckett, Mr Nicholls, Mr Henaghen or Mrs Mather (SENDCo). 


Additional support in our community 
With the cost of living crisis continuing, we would like to direct you to the support that is available within our community. 
Friends of Meadowside is an amazing cause which provides the local community with a wealth of support and having previously donated, we were blown away by their kindness, generosity and friendliness. 
We wanted to make sure everyone in our community knew it was there and should you, or anyone you know, require any of these services, you can access this without judgement. There is also no need to present a food voucher should you require a food hamper.  
Likewise, if you feel you could help in any way, please do get in touch via their Facebook group: 
Friends of Meadowside Warrington. 
Alternatively, you can click on the link below. 
Friends of Meadowside Warrington was set up in March 2018 by Helen Davies along with her husband Mark. Their idea was simple; to help the less fortunate in our town, with free food, free clothing, welfare help and generally a sympathetic listening ear. Within the last 3 years, they have distributed over 135,000 meals, collected 1060 items, supported domestic violence survivors, given out FREE pack lunches to children, given job applicants interview clothes, raised money for a child diagnosed with cancer to go to Germany for treatment , fun-days, fair amongst other things.
They are currently based at Capesthorne Road Community Centre on Avery Close. 
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF)
School holidays can be difficult for some families. the cost of extra food, childcare and activities to keep children active and entertained can be challenging. 
The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme is an exciting new scheme, funded by the Department for Education, giving children who are eligible for free school meals the opportunity to take part in fun, enriching school holiday activities. 
Places on the holiday schemes are available free of charge to children aged 5-16 who receive free school meals but children and young people of all ages and backgrounds are also welcome to attend. Each local programme will provide delicious, healthy meals; allowing children to get active, help them to learn new things, make new friends and have fun. 
If you would like to know more about this, please click on the link below