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Our First Week
Worship Team
Detectives in Reception
Reception Welcome Service
A Prayer to Reception from Year 6....
Dear Lord,
Welcome to Winwick CE Primary School where we promise to love and care for you, so that you can learn to love and care for others. As you move forward into your journey into life, learn about how amazing it can be and how you can live it in your fullest with people you love and the people who love you!
Show your value of COURAGE everyday and be courageous in everyway possible, whilst always remembering the things that are most important. Show love through kindness and compassion and always let your bright colours shine through!
Through thick and thin, bad and good, always show respect and understanding to anyone and everyone. On behalf of all the school we just can't wait to see what incredible young people you will be through your Winwick journey!
Always remember that God is by your side and our School our mission statement is what leads and guides us through, 'In God's love, aspire and achieve to be the best' - Corinthians 16:14 . Keep trying and persevering little ones and once again welcome to our Winwick family!
(Year 6 Buddies)
Meet The EYFS Team
Teacher: Miss A. Platt
Teaching Assistant: Miss Ovington
PPA Cover: Miss Ovington & Miss Oakley & Mr Kirkham
Mental Health & Wellbeing: Mrs J. Mills
Our PE Day is usually: Tuesday
Parent Information Sheets
Parent Share
Here at Winwick, we use Evidence Me to observe and track the children's progress. Over the next few days, you will be emailed a link asking you to sign up to Parent Share which will allow us to directly share with you observations of your child. In addition, you will be able to share observations that you carry out at home with us. If you have not received a link, please let Mr Henaghen know and he will send it again. Sometimes they arrive in the Junk folder so check there too.
End of the Day Prayer
We will be learning our end of the day prayer over the next few weeks. It would be brilliant if you could help your child learn the class prayer.
At the end of the day
Just smile and say
Thank you lord for my work and play
I tried to be good, I know that I should
That's my prayer at the end of the day
Handwriting (Gross/Fine Motor Skills)
Below is a link to 'Dough Disco'. Dough Disco is a fantastic resource that helps to develop muscle strength in the hands which in turn will help develop your child's fine motor skills.
In class, we begin to practise our handwriting alongside our letters and sounds. Below is a handwriting work book which can be used as guidance to help practise letter formation. At this stage, we do not expect your child to complete the workbook and it is their for your reference. At home, You may want your child to practise their letters using the book it as a guide. They could make the letter shapes using paint, water pistols, chalk and or drawing them in the sand. At this stage, we focus on making the letters using larger movements.
Fiddly Fingers
In class we try to develop muscle tone in the children's hands whilst developing their fine motor skills. We do this by completing different finger gym activities and Dough Disco. If you google Dough Disco, a range of video clips will come up that your child can watch and follow, all they need is some soft playdough (recipes can easily be found online to make your own at home).
We also encourage the children to thread pasta/cotton reels on string, cut snips into paper and place pegs onto materials (which you can do at home if you wish) or you can download one of the tree 'Finger Gym' Activities to try at home.
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Below you will find a range of resources to help develop your child's mathematical understanding. In class this year, we will be learning:
- How to recognise and write numbers to 5
- Adding numbers with in 5
- Subtracting numbers with 5
- Counting to 20 forwards and backwards
- Recognising and naming simple 2D shapes
- Recognising and name 3D shapes
- Ordering objects by size - from smallest to biggest & biggest to smallest
- Comparing objects that contain different liquids (capacity)
At home you can use a range of objects including coins, toys and counters to practise the above skills or if you wish you can download the different activities for your child to complete (they made need support with these).
Number Blocks
You may wish to watch number blocks with your child. These clips can be accessed on YouTube and BBC iPlayer.
Counting Songs and Videos
There are also numerous counting forwards and backwards songs available on YouTube
The children really enjoy counting videos by Jack Hartman (see video below).
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EYFS Policy
Home Learning
Homework will be sent out on a Monday and must be returned to school the following Monday via Parent Share. This half-term we will be setting tasks on Google Classroom for your child to complete at home.
You may also wish for your child to access Purple Mash and complete the different activities available. You can access Purple Mash using the link below.
Home Learning
Please have a look at the resources below which you can use at home to help with your child's learning.
Supporting Reading At Home
Below are ideas to help support your child with reading at home when reading aloud and during story time. As your child progresses through Reception you could also ask them to practise reading the Reception Tricky Words (see below).
- Supporting_Readers_at_Home_Poster_.pdf
- Top-Ten-Storytimes-to-Enjoy (1).pdf
- phase-2-to-5-tricky-words-flashcards-.pdf
- Reception_tricky_words.pdf
Please can you read with your child and listen to them read as often as possible. When reading with your child ask them the following questions:
- Is it fiction or non-fiction? How do you know?
- Who is the story about?
- How does the story end?
- What do you think will happen next?
- Who is the hero in the story? Who is the baddie?
- Depending on the text you might want to ask more specific retrieval based questions.
Reading Investigators:
Ask your child to become a reading investigator by getting them to search for the following words in a text and by keeping a tally of the number they find.
no, go, the, said, he, she, my, all, was, but, this, and & you.
Reading Games:
Write the Reception Tricky words on lolly sticks/pieces of paper and place in a cup. Then on 5 lolly sticks/pieces of paper write the word 'Bam'. Take it in turns to pick out a word and read it aloud. If you/your child reads the word correctly, they get to keep the word. If the word 'Bam' is picked out, then who ever pulled it out needs to put all of their words back in the cup.
Alternative game idea: write a range of sounds or decodable words on the lolly sticks.
Flash Cards and Word List:
Please continue to practise reading the flash cards and reception tricky word list with your child. Once they are confident at reading them encourage them to write them.
In class, we practise our Phonics everyday following the Little Wandle Phonics Scheme. If you wish to practise Phonics at home you can use Jolly Phonics and you can also watch Mr Thorne does Phonics (see clip below). In class, all children will be working through the Autumn Phase 2 sounds:
s, t, a p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss, j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, th, ng
This half-term, we will all be begin to work through the Spring Term Phase 3 sounds:
ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er.
We aim that by the end of Reception all our children can read and write the Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds.
Throughout the Summer Term the children will be looking at shorter and longer vowels as well as exploring longer words.
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Alpha-blocks are fantastic short video clips that model how to segment and blend words. Have a look at the video below with your child. You can find a range of Alphablock videos on YouTube and BBC iplayer.
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Helpful Guides for I.T