Mrs Jackie Neal
Chair of Governors - Governor Safeguarding/RE & Worship/Behaviour - Foundation
I have been involved with Winwick CE School since 2004 having had two children attend the school. With a background in business and marketing and being a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, I have used these skills within my governor roles over the years as the school has gone through a period of extensive development and change.
As Chair of the Governing Body, with support from the Vice Chair and the wider governor team, I am responsible for ensuring the school’s Governing Body works collectively to challenge, support and contribute to the strategic leadership of the school; as well as working effectively with our Senior Leadership Team to achieve the best outcomes for all our children in our safe and caring Christian rooted learning environment.
In addition to Chairing the Full Governing Body I am the Safeguarding Governor and work alongside Mrs Duckett and the Senior team to monitor and ensure all the correct safeguarding procedures are in place across our school. In addition, I also work closely with our church leaders and staff subject leaders to ensure our RE, Worship, PHSE and Behaviour standards align with our School's theologically rooted Christian Vision and are fully met and embraced within our school curriculum and community.
Being a Governor is a very rewarding role; we have a wonderful set of children who deserve the very best educational start in life. I am fully committed to working with our dedicated and passionate team at Winwick to ensure we maintain the highest standards and continuously attain and improve to give our children the best quality, inclusive Church of England Primary School Education they all deserve.
Mr Chris Mumford
Vice Chair of Governors, Chair of Quality of Education Committee - Foundation Governor
I have quite an extensive background in working within Children’s Social Care. Most of my career has been involved in safeguarding children and young people, both as a social worker and as a manager. This has primarily included having oversight of children who are on Child Protection Plans or in the care of the Local Authority, but also included working with partner agencies in improving the safety, health and achievements of children and young people. I’ve also completed investigations into staff misconduct, delivered multi-agency training in safeguarding children and safer recruitment of staff, and worked with schools improvement teams.
I am passionate about how our children grow up in secure environments, both at home and at school, and how I can make a difference to their opportunities, development and ultimately their participation in and contribution to the wider community. This has been the cornerstone of my professional life, and has been a pleasure and a privilege.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading good crime fiction, historical and contemporary novels, and biographies of interesting figures as diverse as Nelson Mandela, David Bowie and Dirk Bogarde. Socialising with friends, visiting art galleries, going to the theatre and walking are equally important and give me a sense of balance and relaxation.
I have grown up within the Christian tradition, my father having been a Bishop in the Church of England and chair of Governors many years ago, so I am very pleased and honoured to be part of this school community.
Rev Martin Cox
Ex Officio Governor
Mrs Laura Duckett
Initially starting my Winwick journey as Deputy Headteacher in 2017, it was a privilege to become the substantive Headteacher from April 2023. I love being a part of our school, church and wider community; it is a privilege to be the Headteacher of such a wonderful school. Our Christian ethos and values help to make Winwick CE such a special place and it is always a pleasure coming into school each day to be a part of our Winwick Team as we continue on our journey together to ensure that all members of our community truly flourish and achieve.
From an early age, I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher. Following my A-levels, I did my BSc (Hons) in Psychology at Lancaster University, after I started my teacher training, with the initial aim of doing further study to be an Educational Psychologist. However, from stepping into the classroom to gain experience for this, I realised that my heart lay with teaching and I haven’t looked back since.
After qualifying in 2007, I have worked in primary schools in Warrington, also training at a school in Wigan, and have taught across KS1 and KS2. I have experience in leading a range of different whole-school areas including; Curriculum Lead, Evidence Lead, English, Maths, Assessment, ICT/Computing, Design and Technology, Health & Safety, DSL, Educational Visits and Student Mentoring, in addition to the varying roles that the position of Deputy Headteacher brought, before stepping into the Headteacher role.
Since 2019, I have worked as one of Warrington’s Evidence Leads. Through this project, I have received specialist training linked to how to utilise educational research to improve outcomes for children, not only at Winwick, but also through supporting other local primary schools to improve outcomes from pupils across Warrington.
From 2021, in my role as a Quality Assurance (QA) Tutor for Mersey Borough Initial Teaching Training (MBITT), I work closely with the teaching school as part of their quality assurance team to ensure that school provision for the trainee teachers is of the highest quality; I believe in the importance of giving back to our profession to help support and develop the teachers of the future.
Prior to being on the Governing Body at Winwick, I spent 8 years as a Governor at another Warrington primary school, giving me over 15 years of experience of school governance. I have a clear overview of the vision and workings of our Governing Body and work closely with the Governor team on our shared vision.
I strongly believe that children must be at the heart of everything that we do in school and that this must steer our moral compass when shaping the young minds of the future. I believe that it is important to constantly challenge our thinking and that the Governing Body should work in close partnership with school leaders and other staff to ensure that we are providing the best possible opportunities for our young people, personally, academically and spiritually so that each of our children moves onto the next step of their journey in a positive direction with memories and experiences that they will cherish for years to come, ensuring that they truly flourish.
Mrs Caroline Jenkinson
Chair of Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare Committee - Co-opted Governor
I have been involved with Winwick CE Primary School since my eldest child started school in 2003. I have always been proud of the genuinely warm and caring ethos of the school which is underpinned by its links with our local church and the wider community. I know this is what attracts so many of our parents to choose Winwick for their children’s education.
My current roles on the Governing Body are as Training Lead, Pupil Premium Governor and Chair of the Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare Committee.
My role as Pupil Premium Governor involves the monitoring of the effectiveness and the impact of the Pupil Premium Funding the school receives from the Government.
As Chair of the PDBW Committee, I lead a group of governors who are dedicated to the wellbeing of all our stakeholders: children, parents, staff and governors. We particularly welcome attendance of different representative groups of children to present their thoughts to this committee so that their voices are heard and acted on.
I enjoy my role as a Governor and love to see our children thrive and grow into confident, happy and enthusiastic learners for life.
Mr Chris Browning
Chair of Leadership and Management Committee/ Lead Governor for GDPR/ IT - Foundation Governor
I originally joined the Governing Board in February 2018 as a Parent Governor, and have been appointed
as a Foundation Governor for my second term, I am hoping to offer the school some longevity and consistency in this Foundation Governor role.
My two daughters both attend Winwick and really love their time in school and the teaching they receive. Winwick CE Primary has a really strong community feel, Christian ethos and a strength in leadership which really enhances their experience.
Socially, I am a Warrington Wolves follower and keen all round sports fan, also following Derby County, cricket and golf. I love family excursions visiting different places, and am just as comfortable spending time taking the family dog for walks.
Mrs Amy Lacey
Lead Governor for EYFS and PE - Foundation Governor
I am a parent of three children and they all attended Winwick CE. My children all had a very successful and happy beginning to their school life while at Winwick, this I believe has contributed to their successful transition into high school.
As a governor, it is important to me that we all endeavour to strive for this for all children.
I worked as a primary teacher for fifteen years in schools in Warrington and have strived to bring that knowledge and experience to my role as foundation governor at Winwick CE.
The Christian ethos and community feel of Winwick CE was an important deciding factor when I chose this school for my children. I felt very confident that Winwick include all children and strive to help every child reach their full potential.
Mr Abey Baker
Governor for Buildings & Health & Safety - Foundation
I was invited to be a foundation governor after working closely with team over recent years on the school’s various building development projects and, as result, I have developed a good knowledge and understanding of the school, as well as the leadership team.
A governing role is something that had interested me as a way to help develop the best possible learning environment for the school’s success and for each child’s personal development. I believe that my experience working in building consultancy will provide positive contributions to the future development of the school, it’s site and its health and safety.
As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I am pleased to be a foundation governor in a school that has a Christian Ethos running through its values. I believe these values create a safe and positive learning environment for all children, to help them develop a moral compass to grow as people and stand them in good stead for life.
Outside of work I enjoy time spent with my wife and friends, eating food, playing sport or in the gym.
Ms Bridget Leek
Chair of Admissions Committee - Foundation Governor
I have a background in the Financial Services Industry and have also been actively involved as a school governor since 2007 – as a parent governor at my children’s primary school, as a staff governor at Hope Academy and most recently as a Foundation Governor at Winwick CE Primary School.
Although I am not local to Winwick, I have connections to the school through working at Hope Academy and have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the school better since being appointed as a Foundation Governor. I strongly believe that the foundations laid at primary school (academically, socially and emotionally) are fundamental to ensuring that they can grow into happy, confident and successful individuals.
In my spare time I enjoy spending time outdoors with my family, spending time with my dogs and travelling the country watching my son play rugby.
Miss Gill Allen
Staff Governor
I have been part of the team at Winwick C of E Primary School since 2017, but have been teaching for 32 years. I am currently a teacher in Year 5 and subject lead for Maths and Geography. I am excited to be part of the Governing Body and to have the opportunity to help shape and continue to strengthen our school and community.
I am passionate about providing a curriculum that enriches the lives of children, providing each child with a wealth of experiences and opportunities that prepare and shape them into becoming a lifelong learner and being the best that they can be!
Winwick has a strong feeling of solidarity with a warm Christian driven school with excellent support from parents and staff and it is a pleasure to be part this environment. Its Christian vision encourages the children to care and improve the lives of others, to have respect and cultural understanding, so that all the children feel included and able to flourish in the knowledge that all God’s children are valued.
Mrs Lyn Smith
Parent Governor
I was elected as a parent governor in December 2021, as I felt that my experience as a qualified accountant would complement the skills of the governing body. As a Chartered Accountant I have over 20 years experience working in both practice and commercial arenas, which has given me insights into many businesses. I feel that my work background will help me make a positive contribution to the governing body, as governance and being analytical are key elements of my role.
I have two children who currently attend Winwick school and both love going into school everyday. The key reasons as a family that we picked Winwick school for our children was the strong Christian values and the ‘family’ feel that the school had. As a parent I strongly believe that children will thrive when they are in a happy, caring environment. In my governor role I hope to support the school in maintaining this to allow all the children to aspire to be their best.
Outside of work, when I’m not running round after the children, I’m also known as ‘Chip’ in my role as Beaver leader at Croft Scout Group and am the captain of a netball team in the Warrington league.
Mrs Rebecca Buchanan
Parent Governor
I was elected as a parent governor in March 2022, after my child joined the school in September 2021. I knew straight away Winwick C of E was a special school and wanted to help support the governing body to continue to deliver exceptional education and learning for our children. As a mother of two children I am passionate that our children grow and learn in a school environment which challenges them and priorities their individuality,
For the most part of my career I have been in private sector commercial and operational roles. This has given me the transferable skills to apply to this school governance role. These skills range from commercial and legal management to HR and staff development.
In my spare time you will find me being a mum, I love spending time with my husband, children, my family and friends.
Foundation Governor
LA Governor
Mr Stuart Nicholls
Deputy Headteacher - Observer