At Winwick CE, we enjoying learning about new technologies and exploring how to use technology for a range of purposes. We use Purple Mash as a tool to help us deliver our Computing curriculum, whilst also ensuring that we cover the ICT 'Non-negotiable' skills.
In an ever changing world, we know how important it is to ensure that we are keeping safe online and Online Safety form a key part of our Computing curriculum, as well as being covered in PSHE and within other subject areas, where appropriate.
As well as Purple Mash, we use a number of other online learning tools to support learning across the curriculum. Children are given an ICT Passport which contains all of their login details for each of their learning tools; copies are kept in school and also sent home so that children can access these tools outside of school too.
Below you will find information about Computing at Winwick, including policies and work samples. You will also find links to our Remote Learning offer, as well as links to our Online Safety resources too.
Computing Curriculum
Computing & Online Safety Policies
Although we use Purple Mash to teach computing, we also teach the ICT skills (non-negotiables) that we feel children should be able to achieve by the time they leave our school. These skills include; saving work, using different programmes such as PowerPoint and Word Processing.
Remote Learning Policy
Samples of Work
Purple Mash
Please click the link to be taken to Purple Mash
Safer Internet Day
Each year, we celebrate Safer Internet Day. On our most recent Safer Internet Day, our theme has focused on how we can know what to trust online, and how to support young people to question, challenge and change the online world.
With children accessing information online more than ever at the moment it is vital that they know what information is reliable and trustworthy.
We have also been focusing on different apps that the children might be using at home. We would like to remind parents that the following apps/games have the following age ratings.
- Facebook ( legal age 13)
- Instagram ( legal age 13)
- Snapchat (legal age 13)
- Whats app (legal age 16)
- TikTok (legal age 13)
- Call of Duty (legal age 18)
- Grand theft Auto (legal age 18)
- Apex Legends (legal age 16)
- and Fortnite (legal age 12).
We would also like to remind parents that these have PEGI age restrictions which are legally enforceable and if we know that children are playing games that are not age appropriate we, by law, have to pass this on to the correct authorities as it becomes a safeguarding matter.
Many children enjoy using photo and social media apps and most children will use them safely. However, as parents, you should be aware of how other people may use them. Other users may post inappropriate pictures/videos and send inappropriate messages that could lead to your child being put in a vulnerable position.
As parents/carers, you can find a range of information about Online Safety below; you can also come into school and a member of staff would also be happy to discuss this with you. We also run Parental Workshops linked to Online Safety which we recommend you attend also.