Crosby Hall - Day 2

20th July 2017

KS1 Crosby Hall Residential – Day 2

After some much needed rest (not just for the children!) we all woke up bright and early this morning and Mrs Desborough (Mrs D) did some early morning Yoga with us. Then we headed down for breakfast – it was yummy!  We had lots of different cereals to choose from and we also had toast and drinks.

Our first activity of the day was the adventure park.  Kevin showed us how to use each activity safely and then we split up into four teams and had a go at all of the activities.  It was great fun and there were lots of challenges.  We all worked together to support each other and our teachers were really proud of us.

Our second activity was den building.  We walked down to the woods with Kevin and Maddy (the centre staff) and they organised us into three teams.  We were all in competition to build the best shelter (the teachers were particularly competitive!).  We had to find different sized branches and make a shelter big enough for everyone in our group to fit into.  Have a look at the pictures and see which one you think is the best shelter.  Once we’d made our shelters, we sat around the campfire and had some toasted marshmallows – they were really yummy! 

For lunch, we had a choice of chicken wrap and tuna melts with lots of lovely salad and fruit too.  We especially enjoyed pouring our own orange juice from the special container.  We were very hungry because we had been using up all our energy on the morning activities.  Mr Perrin was so hungry, he polished off 5 chicken wraps (he did eat lots of healthy salad and fruit too!).

In the afternoon, we split up into our two year group teams and did pottery and ‘The Swamp’.  Pottery was great – we got to show off our artistic talents! We all got to make our own little pinch-pots out of clay and we decorated them too.  We will be able to collect them when we go back to school in September from Mrs Duckett’s classroom!

Our other afternoon activity was ‘The Swamp’.  First the group was split into two teams and one person from each team had to race each other through the maze to collect water to bring back to fill the team bucket.  The team with the most water at the end was the winner.  While each team was running through the maze, Kevin was squirting everyone with water – it was soooooo funny to watch!  Miss Kenyon, Mr Perrin and Miss King were SOAKED!

After that (and Mr Perring doing a bit of cheating to get his team to win!), the group moved over to ‘The Swamp’. The aim of the game was to take turns trying to get to the other side of the swamp, using the stepping stones, without falling into the muddy water.  Needless to say, most of us ended up COVERED in mud! It was such fun – especially watching from the side while other people fell in – we haven’t laughed so much in ages! 

Once we all got back from ‘The Swamp’ (and got changed), we had a lovely play time.  Then we headed to the group lounge to relax for a while before tea time.  Some of us played with the Lego, others did some drawing, some of us read books and some even had a nap (mostly the teachers!).  Then the tea-time bell rang. 

For tea, we had delicious bangers and mash with vegetables and gravy – it was so delicious, some children wanted to lick their plates clean!  For dessert, we had chocolate cornflake cakes – YUM!

After tea, a lady arrived to do some street dancing with us.  It was great – like a disco!  She taught us lots of dance moves and we strutted our stuff to cool tunes like Little Mix. 

Once street dancing had finished, we all got our PJs on and came back to the group lounge for a movie night.  It took longer than expected to get the movie sorted, due to technical errors with the projector and computers, but Mr Perrin and Miss King saved the day by carrying the TV and DVD player from the teachers’ lounge.  Mrs Duckett had brought some DVDs for us to watch, so we watched the Disney Robin Hood. 

Eventually, after a long day, we headed off up to our bedrooms to go to sleep.  For most of us, we went to sleep much quicker tonight than we had done the day before.  Hmmm…I wonder why?

So, another FANTASTIC day at Crosby Hall; we can’t wait for tomorrow!